- Utah is currently the fastest growing state in the nation and St. George is experiencing extreme growth.
- This growth is not unprecedented. In the decade from 1990-2000 Washington County saw a 8.6 percent growth rate.
- We have to plan wisely for growth.
- We have commissioned a comprehensive study of our general plan.
- With public input we will determine what our future looks like in regards to high density housing, open space, urban sprawl, mixed use, traffic flow, active transportation, etc.
- I am not in favor of a building moratorium. It would be devastating as 30 percent of our economy would be directly impacted by a moratorium.
- Housing costs would be more expensive than they are currently.
- Utah Code 10-9a-504 only allows for temporary zoning regulations or moratoriums not to exceed 6 months.
Water conservation needs to be at the top of our minds
- We are experiencing one of the worst droughts many of us have ever experienced. We need additional water sources like the Lake Powell Pipeline.
- Until we get additional water sources we need to all learn to conserve our water.
- Over 50 percent of our culinary water is used outdoors.
- The city parks dept has identified 10 acres of turf we can remove without any detrimental effects. We need to require drought tolerant plants and trees in new subdivisions with a limit on the amount of turf allowed.
- We can incentivize businesses, churches and schools to remove turf that is rarely used.
- We all need to cut back our outdoor watering and water dry spots by hand.
- Don’t use water to spray off cement. Sweep out your garages, porches and patios.
- Conservation must be a county wide effort. All new development should be required to use secondary water outdoors.
- We will be widening 3000 East from 1580 South to Seegmiller Dr.
- We will be widening 3000 East from 1580 S to Mall Dr.
- Realigning 1450 South near 3000 East.
- Extension on Horseman Park Drive.
- 7 new traffic signals will be installed.
- More neighborhood commercial would help alleviate traffic.
- The Northern Corridor will help east/west traffic.
- Plan ahead so you can do all your errands at once instead of making numerous trips from your homes to stores several times in one day.
- Be patient.
- If you are sitting in traffic, remember you are part of the traffic.
- My ancestors came to this area in November of 1861. They were part of the Dixie Cotton Mission.
- I am now the 6th generation living in Utah’s Dixie.
- My grandchildren are the 8th generation.
- We cannot forget the determination and perseverance of those early pioneers.
- They endured extreme difficulties.
- We need to cherish our past while building our future.
- We are facing our own challenges but with the same tenacity of the early settlers we too can overcome those challenges and leave a beautiful, vibrant community for future generations to enjoy.